B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
Team: Garud
Our theme is Patriotic Theme. We have used Tri-Color LEDs to represent our Nation. We have used smoke to give tributes to our SOLDIER.
Mechanical 5ft Semester
2020-24 Batch
Team: Metal to Miracle
We have made a customized drone which is capable of flying at a maximum speed of 120km/hr. Our drone dances with beats.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
Team: The Phoenix
"LIGHTNING SHOW WITH DRONE"- Our drone can show RGB blinking light and can have a range up to 2km with a speed of 120 km/hr.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
Team: The Wing
We as a team have made our drone which is capable of flying at a maximum speed of 240 km/hr. Here we are presenting before you dronedoll dance in which a doll is fixed on the upper and the lower part of the drone as the drone moves across it appears as if the doll is dancing.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
We have used Arduino Uno along with L298n motor driver, 12V low rpm DC motor and power supply. By using HC05 Bluetooth chip we can control and move it towards right or left direction to clean the board.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
In this we used variety of electronic equipment like Arduino Uno , Motor Driver, Jumper Wires , LED, Batteries & It's Connectors , Breadboard. It works by just a Clap. On one clap it turns ON and on 2nd clap it turns OFF.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
We are using mpu6050 module which is having an accelerometer and gyroscope sensor. The Arduino takes the raw values from the sensor and calculates angles like pitch and roll to give analog-like control and transfers the real-time data to the computer through USB.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
It automatically cleans the floor by creating a vacuum and suck in dust particles. It is very cost effective option to other product in market.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
In this Smart Blind stick there is a sensor which senses the obstacles from some range. Upon sensing the stick vibrates and makes buzz sound.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
It is an Automatic Washbasin with bio-sand filter for re-using impure water. It consist of Arduino UNO, Relay module, Bread board, Jumper cables, Water pump, 12V 1A Power adapter, 12V 1A Universal adapter, 3 Containers, Tap.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
Touchless Elevator Operation feature puts the elevator into shuttle mode allowing it to operate like a vertical escalator, transporting your tenants and visitors from floor to floor, all without them needing to physically contact any buttons inside or outside the elevator.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
A car based on Arduino platform which can be controlled using Bluetooth and an Android app. when the model is connected to your device via Bluetooth module HC-06.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
An Egg Incubator is a device simulating avian incubation by keeping eggs warm at a particular temperature range and in the correct humidity.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
The system uses infrared sensors to detect the arrival and departure of trains at the railway level crossing and Arduino to control the opening/closing of gates.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
In this we have used ln298 driver, buzzer, and joystick for controlling our car and make it move in every direction. Our car can move forward backward turn left and right also 360 rotations.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
Line follower robot senses black line by using sensor and then sends the signal to arduino. Then arduino drives the motor according to sensors' output.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
The circuit contains Arduino UNO, keypad module, Servo Motor, and LCD display. Arduino controls the complete processes like taking a password from the keypad module, comparing passwords, rotating servo motor, and sending status to the LCD display.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
It is basically a robot which follows a particular path or trajectory and decides its own course of action which interacts with obstacle. The path can be a black line on the white floor.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
Persistence of Vision (POV) displays are generally LED displays which ‘show’ images by displaying a section of an image at a given time, in quick rapid succession. The human brain perceives this as display of a continuous image.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
It consist of arduino uno, servo motor and ultrasonic sensor. It can be used in toll tax system on highways, car parking system, automatic gates etc.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
Home automation is building automation for a home, called a smart home or smart house. It has various multiple smart connected devices throughout the house.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
In this project, we will make a Bidirectional Visitor Counter with an Automatic Light Control System using Arduino. This project is based on a pair of Infrared Sensor that detects interrupt when it detects an obstacle.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
It is based on Arduino UNO board. It detects the movement of the hand controlling the robotic arm with the gloves and through gyroscope sensor and responds accordingly. This project has various uses in Manufacturing for lifting heavy materials etc.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
This Human Following Robot detects and follows the person. It consists of Arduino Uno and Ultrasonic sensor. It follows the person who is standing in front of it.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
This device measures heart rate and blood oxygen level. When we put finger on sensor the lcd screen displays heart rate in beats per minute and and oxygen level in percentage. This is also displayed in serial monitor.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
This uses RFID technology and Arduino to make a note of every student entering into the classroom and also to calculate the time he/she resides in the class. This system can also be used in offices, hospitals, industries, etc.
B.Tech 1st Semester
2020-24 Batch
The smart dustbin is carefully designed solution that solves the social issue of waste disposal. It works like when you come in a front of this dustbin, it will open automatically with the help of servo motor.