Course Outcome 8th Semester
Subject Code: D037811(037)
Course Outcomes: Robotics
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
CO406.1 | Understand about fixed & flexible automation, evolution and progressive advancement in robots, laws of robotics, manipulator anatomy, arm configuration-cartesian, cylindrical, spherical, Articulate, SCARA and workspace in robots along with human arm characteristics.Understand material handling, processing, assembly, inspection and non-industrial applications of robots, its future prospects, principles along with sustainable development, application planning, justification of robots and robot safety. |
CO406.2 | Calculate coordinate frames, description of objects in space, transformation of vectors, inverting a homogeneous transform matrix and fundamental rotation matrices.Description of links and joints along with Denavit – Hartenberg notations, Calculate kinematic modeling of the manipulator, relationship between adjacent links and manipulator transformation matrix. |
CO406.3 | Understand the concepts of inverse kinematic of robotic manipulators, velocity analysis with Jacobian matrix. |
CO406.4 | Understand the concept of sensors, its classification and characteristics of position, velocity, acceleration, force, proximity, touch and slip sensors and also know about process of imaging, components and architecture of robotic vision systems, image acquisition, image representation and image processing. |
CO406.5 | Understand Motion and Trajectory Planning and Control of Robot Manipulators, joint space and Cartesian space techniques. open and close loop control, linear control schemes and control models. |
Subject Code: D037833(037)
Course Outcomes: Product Design and Development
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
CO407.1 | Understand the concept of Background for design, design theory, design materials, human factors in design applied ergonomics, product development processes and organization, identifying customer needs, establishing product specifications, concept generation and selecting product architecture. |
CO407.2 | Understand the concept of Generating concepts, selection of a concept, Testing of concept, product architecture, Creative and rational clarifying objectives- the objective trees methods, establishing functions-the function analysis methods, setting requirement- requirements specification methods determining characteristics - the QFD method, generating alternatives-the morphological chart method, evaluating alternatives-the weighted objectives methods, improving details-the value engineering method and design strategies. |
CO407.3 | Understand the concept of Estimating manufacturing costs, reducing component, assembly and support cost design for assembly, design for disassembly, design for environment, design for graphics and packaging, effective prototyping principle and planning. |
CO407.4 | Understand the concept of industrial design Its need - Ergonomic needs, Aesthetic needs, impact, accessing the quality, steps involved in Industrial design process, Management of Technology & user driven products. |
CO407.5 | Understand the concept of Patents, Product Development & Project Management, Legal issues in product design, trademarks, trade-secret, copy rights, patents - types, steps for disclosure, design resources, economics - quantitative & qualitative analysis, management of product development projects, Design Structure Matrix, Gantt Chart, Project schedule, budget, risk plan, accelerating project, execution, assessing and correction, Intellectual property rights. |
Subject Code: D000802(076)
Course Outcomes: Industrial Engineering & Management
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
CO408.1 | Understand definition, development, objective of industrial engineering and place in an organization along with relation to departments, need of plant location, problems and affecting factors and evaluate it quantitatively, objective, principles, affecting factors and types of plant layout. |
CO408.2 | Understand concepts of work study ,its purpose, objectives, applications and relation to productivity, procedure of method study, flow process and multiple activity charts, motion economy principles and therbligs, cycle and chronocycle graph, work measurement, time study, selection and timing the job, rating and allowances and calculate normal and standard time. |
CO408.3 | Understand definition, objectives and methods of job evaluation and merit rating, concepts of wages and incentives its terminology, characteristics and factors, Rowan, Taylors differential piece rate, Emerson’s efficiency, Harleys 50-50 and Bedaux wage incentive plans, group task and bonus system. |
CO408.4 | Understand functions of management, its purpose and objectives, authority and responsibilities of manager, ethics and management, human resource management, its nature and scope, requirement and selection, training and development, growth and grievance. Understand the concepts of motivation its needs, Maslow hierarchy of needs, Herzberg two factor theory, need want satisfaction chain, quality of working life along with job enrichment and enlargement. |
CO408.5 | Understand the concepts of marketing mix, advertizing and sales promotion and channels of distribution, book keeping, break-even analysis, analyze financial statement, financial ratios and capital budgeting. |